Thursday, May 5, 2011

Is Digital Media Bad for Us?

So I was asked the question "do I think digital media is bad for us." Come on, you're asking a teenager this question. Of course I'm going to say that I love my computer, cell phone, and Ipod.

Okay, on a more serious level, I guess digital media can be good and bad for us in a sense that, yeah, we have the luxury of being able to surf the web anywhere, and call anyone whenever we want to, but also that, kids especially, are getting a little too addicted to it and parents don't know how to handle it. I watched this video in my critical perspectives class and it had a story about a mother who sent her son to a boot camp for kids who play too many video games or watch too much t.v. She was talking about how it's breaking down their family. Really? No. She just doesn't know how to handle her child. She is the mother, she has control, use it. Set limits on how much time he can spend at the computer or at the t.v a day. I think it showed a lot about her lack of parenting skills.

As a dancer and choreographer, I love having music at the palm of my hand at all times. I also love the way choreographers are using digital media in their pieces. It adds an extra flare to a work. All in all, I don't see a problem with using digital media. The world is evolving, so we should go with it. :)

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