Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Digital Art Controversy

It seems like everyon today likes a little drama in their lives. I'm going to talk about some big controversies going on the with digital art today.

So this NPR video on Issa is all about how people everywhere now get their music online, illegally mind you, instead of actually buying the album from the store. Well, to be perfectly honest, I totally do that. It's just easier to me to just download it really quick instead of going all the way to the mall, looking for it, and then buying it. Yes, I realize it's illegal and not really fair, but, I'm not too worried about it.

I loved the Atomic Tom Band video. It's so cool to see how a group of people who had their instruments stolen can bond together and form an electronic band through their Iphones. It was almost like striking about the fact that they got their instruments stolen, but in a more humorous way instead of being angry and causing a scene. I thought it was funny and creative. I personally would have stood up and started dancing to it or something.

Society today is very out in the open. People like to post their thoughts on blogs, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and YouTube. Everyone wants their thoughts to be heard and the video on the ingredients found in cosmetics proves that perfectly. I will admit that I post a lot about myself on Facebook and Twitter, but there are some things that I see people posting that makes me think, "Too much info dude." I don't know, I just don't feel it necessary to let everyone know when you are doing small things like going to the bathroom (cool, don't care) or buying a drink from the gas station (couldn't have lived another day without knowing that).

So there is a controversy on Wikipedia about whether or not remixing videos should be considered copyrighting. I am kind of on the fence about this one because I think remixing videos is really cool. I like to see what people can do with video clips. You can change the audio and match it to different things, yeah, it's just really interesting. But at the same time, I totally see how someone would get offended if their video was remixed and all the credit was given to the person who remixed it. I think that if the person who remixed it asked or gave credit to the original person who made the video, it shouldn't be a big deal. But that's just me. A perfect example would be the controversy over the Disney video by two remixers, Justin McIntosh, and Pogo. They are being sued for producing a remix video about Disney. Hmmm, kind of harsh, but to each his own. Either way, the video is amazingly done. I enjoyed every part of it.

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