Monday, April 18, 2011

Framing; Around What's Real

"Framing is the most ordinary thing to do."- George Lakoff.
                                                                                          Everybody frames their life and their surroundings. Most do not know it, but they do. You can't escape it, it's a natural thing to do and if it didn't exist, everyone would be the same and the world would never grow or change. Framing to me is almost like brainwashing how we think. It’s interesting to look back on how we felt about certain situations when we were younger and compare them to how we feel now. I do believe that framing has a lot to do with ones surroundings. When I was younger, my parents raised me to believe that men were meant to be with women. That’s the way they were raised, and this topic is still a major social issue in society. So when I was younger, I believed what my parents told me. As I got older, I realized that I am entitled to my own opinions and society is changing, slowly but surely, and the idea of homosexuality is not as big of a deal as it once was. That was me framing the rights and wrongs of sexuality because that’s all I knew. Now I frame it in a whole different way.
 “Framing is done in the basement of the mind.” This means that framing is done subconsciously. It’s hard to notice how much and when we frame things and how they affect our lives. You never know when you are framing things. I believe that fully. People frame things in their everyday lives and don’t think twice about it. Most people actually live their whole lives without knowing what framing is or why they do it. 

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