Sunday, March 27, 2011

Let me introduce myself

Let’s just get this out of the way.

My mother and I

Me and my brother wrestling. As usual

The name is Jake Patrick Hunter Sochaski. Yeah, I know, weird, I have two middle names. Well in Canada, where I’m from, most people do. It’s not uncommon, I swear. So here’s my story. I’m 18 years young. I was born in Ontario, Canada, and lived there until I was thirteen. Then I moved to Cartersville, Georgia, where I went to high school. I have a little……. Well, younger brother. He’s a year younger than me. I hesitate to say little because he is twice my size. He plays football. My mom was born in the US and moved to Canada to go to college. My dad was born and raised in Canada, in the same town as I was born in. My dad now works for a tool and mold company. He designs all different kinds of parts for cars and everything. He has a very cool job that requires a lot of thinking. My mom is an executive assistant for a financial company. My parents are very family oriented. They LOVE spending time with my brother and I. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very lucky to have them care so much, but as a teenager, I definitely wanted my space at times. When I lived in Canada, I played hockey. I loved it, still do. I am very thankful for the move we made to Georgia because that’s where I was introduced to dance and theatre. If I still lived in Canada, I’m not sure what I would be going to school for. Oh yeah, I go to school at The University of North Carolina School of the Arts where I am studying Contemporary Dance. It is my one true love and the only thing keeping me sane in this “hell hole” we call society.

My passion

 I definitely think the main problem in the United States is lack of open mindedness, especially for teens. I just think that most are so closed off because of what the church says. Don’t get me wrong, I am not anti church. I actually enjoy going to some churches. I just do not like the ones that tell us to only believe what they say and that’s it. Who ever believes otherwise is going to hell. No. That’s bull shit. For the most part though, I don’t judge people based on their beliefs. I don’t necessarily agree with them, but who am I to tell them they are wrong.
Pictures of my life
Digital media in my life is very prominent. I am not afraid to admit that I am completely dependent on social networks like facebook and twitter to keep in touch with my friends who I don’t see everyday. I also use Email a lot to keep in touch with family members who live in Canada. I am also very attached to me phone and ipod. I love the luxury of having my music on hand at all times. If I ever need an escape from listening to my surroundings, I can just pop in my head phones. My phone is my connection to the world. It is natural instinct for me to check my phone and answer a text or call without even thinking about it twice. I always make sure I have my phone with me.
I have actually never been involved in growing food. I did help my cousins grow a vineyard to make wine one year. It was so cool to see how it was done. The process took a very long time. I really have no interest in growing food. I mean, it’s just not something that seems appealing to me.

Speaks for itself

New teenagers coming to the United States just need to be open to different things and different people. We have so many people that are all unique, and new people coming in just need to be open minded. Enjoy every experience you can and have as much fun as possible.
I have traveled to Mexico for a vacation with my family and some friends. I learned a lot on that trip. It was super hot and no one spoke English. That was a little difficult. I learned a lot of Spanish and tried some new foods. It was a really cool experience. I have never really been exposed to race issues. I’ve always been in multi-cultural areas. It just made it easier for me to be open minded and not closed off to one specific cultural.
To me, truth matters most. I find truth in my art, and I am a very honest person. I do not like liars or fake people. I do not deal well with people who say one thing and do another, or people who say they like you and really don’t. Yes, the world is full of lies, but it's possible to find truth in most anything. It makes me believe that there is still hope for society to turn itself around.
So that's me. Jake Sochaski. 100% True, Unique, Open Minded, and Passionate. :)